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Mindful Stream - online training courses in Mindfulness with Carole Lacy

Carole Lacy, Mindful Stream, is a listed teacher with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches and abides by their Good Practice Guidelines.

She has trained to teach both Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Finding Peace in a Frantic World 8 week mindfulness training courses. These are currently being run online on the Zoom platform and are available in groups or as one to one.

There’s more to Mindfulness than simply meditation. What we practice and learn in meditation needs to be expanded to take this into our day to day lives.

Worldwide research has shown that, with a trained teacher, practicing Mindfulness can help us reduce stress and anxiety, help us manage many chronic health conditions and develop skills to enable us to live life more fully and with growing equanimity.

Free, one off, Introduction to Mindfulness sessions are available (see website). Alternatively, Carole offers a free, confidential, consultation by phone or Zoom to discuss how this approach might help you

Contact details:

0793 962 3566

Website/social media details:


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